View Profile Belgarion

158 Movie Reviews

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This one was a bit drier than the rest.

And for chrissakes, please put forth some grammatical effort, it makes your flashes look a bit down-graded.

oddly pointless

Was ok I guess, nothing stellar though.

An odd way to use sprites

Normall people stick to sprited for their original usage, here I see tons of times where you implemented them in ways that make the flash stunning. I don't care what all these trolls (OMG UNORIGINAL SRPITEZ SO EZ!1!1) think, until they've actually looped sprites over and over, they have no fucking clue what they're doing. I think the music coexists very well with the flash, "Feel" the beat, extremely well chosen.

How odd....

I love the noir.....and the unspoken story, and the love, beautiful.


Ah, it was mediocre up until the ending when it became capricious. Oh man, I loved that ending, with the ass-grabing and the commercial silencing.

It was only a matter of time before..

the flood of Knox wannabes came to Newgrounds. Normally I wouldn't complain, but this was crudely made. We don't like Knox's flash because of it's quality (C'mon now, it would be shit withouth his hilarious voiceoverS, we like it because of it's comical aspects. This one lacked both.

The-String-Man responds:

Dude I'm not a knox wannabe. I wanted to make claymations before I knew he made claymations. I just didnt have a camera or webcam. Oh yeah, I'm not the funniest guy ever so I didnt try to be funny when I know I'm not. I didnt want to add voiceovers cause my microphine isnt that good and it would hard to understand.

Could have been better

Yea, an intro song would have been nice as many people stated. Another thing is that when they fell, you didn't use the death sprite which would have looked much better than the jumping sprite horizontal. Another quickie is that maybe instead of just tossing Bison when he gets hit by the super hadoken, use the burning person sprite from Dhalsim's yoga fire or flame, other than that it was ok.

Hee hee

That was completely random and good for a laugh ^^


Justin Villapando @Belgarion

Age 39, Male


Loyola Marymount

Joined on 4/6/01

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