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158 Movie Reviews

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A good flash

Too bad so many people watch this and see it as a satire on American culture as a whole. As if we all sit around, praising our girth and eating hamburgers while watching baseball. Personally I hate the sport. Only one I know of where athletes can be out of shape and yet still play in the major leagues.
But in regards to the flash, graphically it was exceptional, the sound was well done and in-sync. I just found the whole atmosphere too mild however, it was corny.

mom-at-noevil responds:

yes it is a bit corny and old-fashioned, as is baseball and fast foods.

Well it was better than War of the Worlds

Of course that's not saying much. I want to see the original file but wmp crashes firefox on my computer so I'm stuck with the few sound bytes of your flash. It was a nice chuckle though.

I turned it off after it became too boring.

Not spelling collaboration right off the beginning, to me, showed both lack of attention to detail and also a rush-job on the whole thing. When you have multiple authors doing extremely small clips for a much larger project, quality and effort are both essential. Unfortunately, this movie lacks both. Limbs were often unattached and while that can be pulled off with style, all this movie conveyed was a half-assed tweening job where a few competent artists' works were soiled by the overall poorly done compilations of miscellanous authors. How this made the front-page I don't know, but I'm dissapointed that such a mediocre movie was placed in a relatively prestigious position.

Very Surreal

Extremely imaginative and original. Graphically, it seemed like it took a lot of effort and if it did, it sure showed. 5/10 for you!

That was awesome

Not many music videos around anymore and when there are, even fewer are actually quality work. I'm surprised therox333 even knows how to breathe with the stupidity he's emanating from his review but that's ok, some of us know our geography and appreciate this RUSSIAN band even though the language is totally foreign.


Justin Villapando @Belgarion

Age 39, Male


Loyola Marymount

Joined on 4/6/01

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